Itchy Fingers
You're barely, barely back home
Like a little fly
You're like a little fly stuck in the window
Dying to get inside
What if you do?
Would you go back outside?
Out where they'll crush you with a paper folded
Just to see you die
Slice a bit of the belly you love
Better if you're only
Barely holding on
Yeah, you're holding on
But you went in the house
To an open mouth
And seeing things for no reason at all
Just to have it fall
It's never enough
'Cause you wanted too much
And sooner or later you're gonna find out
The limits to your guts
If it's a roof for you
Why can't you let it be?
I'm sick of hope it's true
That deep inside you're really
Only, only, only, only, only, only, yeah
So patient, so kind
It's never easy to tell
If you're playing with my mind
You hide your itchy fingers well
And are you really awake
Or just afloat at the top?
You keep living on season, it's barely enough
Do you wanna just sell it off?
Do you wanna just stop
In the back of the room
You keep asking me away for a minute or two
Oh, what was she supposed to do, yeah
Baby, I won't blame you
If you go and find something better to do
We call it moving on
You can call it moving on
So patient, so kind
It's never easy to tell
If you're playing with my mind
You hide your itchy fingers well
Barely, barely back home
Like a little fly
You're like a little fly stuck in the window
Dying to get inside
What do you do?
Would you go back outside?
Out where they'll crush you with a paper folded
Just to see you die, just to see you die
Just to see you die, just to see you die
Just to see you die, just to see you die
Just to see you die, just to see you die
Just to see you die
So patient, so kind
It's never easy to tell
If you're playing with my mind
You hide your itchy fingers well
So patient, so kind
It's never easy to tell
That you're playing with my mind
You lick your itchy fingers well, yeah
Похожие новости.

My Woman Keeps Lovin’ Her Man
My woman still loves me in spite of my way For reason I don't understand I guess some day she knows I'll come home to stay That's why my woman keeps loving her

1 Далі від променів вправно отруєних Тіло відчує фінал неминуємий Будеш шукати схованки темної І віддалятися радісно, впевнено. На роздоріжжі шляхи розлітаються Ті, хто пішли по ним, не повертаються. Перед тобою всі двері заковані І твої мрії навіки

Wicker Chair
In your little white wicker chair Unsuspicious and nobody cares for you You’re so fucked up again You laugh at nothin’ in the pouring rain Try to tell yourself you’re not insane You fool, I

Слово Паисия Пчельника
Что ты печально стоишь на своих каблуках? Лучше бы ты, как тигрица на джипе С подледной базукой в руках В жутких тропических зарослях ельника С древней молитвою Паисия Пчельника Что ты рыдаешь,

La Foi Et La Confiance
Je me l?ve ce matin pleins de r?ves J'en ai ?crit des textes et composer des br?les Qui n'ont eu que de succ?s au pr?s de mon amiti? Aujourd'hui j'veux croquer dans pomme-c?l?brit? Refrain