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The Valley

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 31.10.2012

These are days of hit and run
In the stream with everyone
Is a moment of our lives

On a wandering river
Going on together
Many journeys to arrive

I've been walking
Through the valley
Through the tall grass
And the shadows
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

Through the city
And the towers
Turning minutes
Into hours
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

When I think I'm being strong
And I lose direction
then a life starts looking mischievous
Finding revelation
Out of desperation
Always stretching time
But it's never long enough

You think you're happy
Think you're free
But maybe we're just
Comfortably dizzy

I've been running
Through the valley
Through the tall grass
And the shadows
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

Through the city
And the towers
Turning minutes
Into hours
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

I've been running
Through the valley
Through the tall grass
Through the shadows
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

Through the city
And the towers
Turning minutes
Into hours
And I feel it
I can see it
Yes I need it
I believe it

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