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I’ll Walk

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.09.2012

We were 18, it was prom night
We had our first big fight
She said "pull this car over"
I did and then I told her
"I don't know what you are crying for"
I grabbed her hand and she reached for the door
She said. . .

"I'll walk
Let go of my hand
Right now I'm hurt
And you don't understand
So just be quiet
And later we will talk
Just leave, don't worry
I'll walk"

It was a dark night, a black dress
Driver never saw her around the bend
I never will forget the call
Or driving to the hospital
Where they told me her legs still wouldn't move
I cried when I walked into her room
She said. . .

"I'll walk
Please come and hold my hand
Right now I hurt
And I don't understand
Let's just be quiet
And later we can talk
Please stay, don't worry
I'll walk"

I held her hand through everything
The weeks and months of therapy
And I held her hand and asked her to be my bride
She's dreamed from a little girl
To have her daddy bring her down the aisle
So from her wheelchair she looks up at him and smiles
and says. . .

"I'll walk
Please hold my hand
I know that this will hurt
I know you understand
Please, Daddy don't cry
This is already hard
Let's go, don't worry
I'll walk"

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