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Just One More Dance

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.11.2012

I send flowers everyday
But you just turn them away
And my letters go unanswered
So it seems

Was I just too blind to see
That you'd given up on me
And it's over now
Your broken heart won't mend

Just one more dance
Why don't we try
Holding each other
While the world stands still

You and I, were so much in love
And I would give anything
For the chance at romance
Just one more dance

Well I know I've been a fool
And I know that I've been cruel
When you give your love completely
Heart and soul

'Let it slipped right through my hands
Can't you ever understand
I've never felt this kind of love before

Just one more dance
Why don't we try
Holding each other
While the world stands still

You and I, are so much in love
And I would give anything
For the chance at romance
Just one more dance

My love has no pride
I'm dying inside
I'm down on my knees
I'm down on my knees
For your love

Just one more dance
Why don't we try
Holding each other
While the world stands still

You and I, are so much in love
And I would give anything
For the chance at romance
Just one more dance

Why dont we try
For the chance at romance
just one more time

Why dont we try
For the chance at romance
just one more time

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