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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.09.2012

Alice in here wonderland,
her world is big but it's jost pretend,
is there a day when we will understand,
this circus we call life

I keep on hearing time and time again,
If we won't listen
then our world will end,
we don't say it just to make amends,
lesten through the script of prayers

It's not neccesary for an eagle to be a crow,
the circle of life is here
and respect must be shown

Earth,wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our disire,
fo fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

Would you believe there are better ways,
to justify what the people say,
nothing seems unique these days,
in the circus we call life
I've heard the line that I'm just a man,
nothing changes we must make a stand,
and if that means to fight we can

t's not neccesary for an eagle to be a crow,
the circle of life is here
and respect must be shown

Earth,wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our disire,
fo fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

Colours and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an atrist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful can be

Colurs and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an atrist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful can be

It's not neccesary for an eagle to be a crow,
the circle of life is here
and respect must be shown

Earth,wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our disire,
fo fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

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