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The Song

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 01.08.2012

Barry Tolbert, Lookout Lane
He was white knuckling a diamond ring
And fumbling for the dome light
Sherry Lynn knows something's up
'Cause Berry ain't ever been stuck
For words like he is tonight
Since they pulled over, her hearts been beatin' faster
Without that song, who knows, he might have never asked her

Simple words put into lines
Just a melody and rhyme
But at that moment seemed so strong
How can a piece of poetry
Knock a grown man to his knees
And lead him by the heart to where he belongs
Then it came on
The song

Larry Pearson had a crutch
One more was never enough
He'd say "I can quit anytime"
The whole town knew his name
They'd all say what a shame
He's wastin' away his life
A strangers quarter dropped into that corner jukebox
It's been almost two years and guess what made him stop

Simple words put into lines
Just a melody and rhyme
But at that moment seemed so strong
How can a piece of poetry
Knock a grown man to his knees
And lead him by the heart to where he belongs
Then it came on
The song

Simple words put into lines
Just a melody and rhyme
But at that moment seemed so strong
How can a piece of poetry
Knock a grown man to his knees
And lead him by the heart to where he belongs
Like the song
Its more than just a song

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