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Still Standing

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.10.2012

I wish you here tonight with me to see the northern lights
I wish you were here tonight with me
I wish I could have you by my side tonight when the sky is burning
I wish I could have you by my side

Cause I've been down and I've been crawling
Won't back down no more

Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
Down on me, I'm still standing
Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
Conscience clear, I'm still standing here

burns like a thousand stars, though you are light years away
burns like a thousand stars or more

you're up there, you're always with me
smiling down on me

can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here

It's something sacred, something so beautiful
something quiet to ease my mind
when the pressure's taking me over and over

cause I've been down and I've been crawling
pushed around and always falling
you're up there, you're always with me
smiling down on me

can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here
can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing here
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here

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