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Living For The Night

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 28.06.2012

Verse 1

Everyday's a lifetime without you
Hard to get through, since you’ve gone
So I do the only thing I know how to,
to get by
I’m living for the night

Verse 2

I’ve drawn all the curtains in this old house
To keep the sun out, and off of my face
Friends stop by to check-in ‘cause I’ve checked out
I tell them I’m fine,
I’m just living for the night


Daylight can't hide the tears I cry
the pain that came with your goodbye
The memories that keep me out of sight
Every night I venture out
into those neon arms that hold me tight
I’m living for the night

Verse 3

I’m a whole lot easier to talk to
when I’ve had a few, I settle down
The whiskey kills the man you’ve turned me into
And I come alive
I’m living for the night


Daylight can't hide the tears I cry
the pain that came with your goodbye
The memories that keep me out of sight
Every night I venture out
into those neon arms that hold me tight
I’m living for the night
I’m living for the night

Everyday is a lifetime without you

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