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When You Call My Name

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.08.2012

(Paul Brandt)

Give me a moment to try and explain it
And how it has changed the man that I am
Life has a way when you try to arrange it
Of making a fool of your best laid plans
Guess what I'm trying to say
Is you took me by surprise
One word is all that it takes
Forever is on my mind it happens every time

I hear the sweetest sound
My world stops turning round
Like I'm holy ground when you call my name
It sets the sky on fire
Burning with my desire
Stronger deeper higher
When you call my name

The way that it moves me
It's simply amazing
Yet somehow it seems much bigger than words
When you call my name angels start singing
The most beautiful sound that I've ever heard
And it starts all over again this feeling deep inside
A blessed chain of events, a heaven sent design
It happens every time

When you call my name
When you call my name, it happens every time

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