Crazy Town
Roll into town, step off the bus,
Shake off the where ya came from dust,
Grab you guitar walk down the street,
Sign says Nashville Tennessee,
But I have found,
It's a crazy town full of neon dreams,
Everybody plays, everybody sings,
Hollywood with a touch of twang,
To be a star you gotta bang bang bang,
Bend those strings 'till the Hank comes out,
Make all the drunk girls scream and shout,
We love it we hate it we're all just trying to make it,
In this crazy town,
You pay your dues and you play for free,
And you pray for a honky tonk destiny,
You cut your teeth in the smokey bars,
And live off the tips from a pickle jar
'Till you find a cool new sound
And you smile when the record man shoots you down,
It's a crazy town full of neon dreams,
Everybody plays, everybody sings,
Hollywood with a touch of twang,
To be a star you gotta bang bang bang,
Bend those strings 'till the Hank comes out,
Make all the drunk girls scream and shout,
We love it we hate it we're all just trying to make it,
In this crazy town,
One year they reposes your truck,
And the next you make a couple million bucks,
It's a crazy town full of neon dreams,
Everybody plays everybody sings,
Hollywood with a touch of twang,
To be a star you gotta, (BANG BANG BANG)
Bend those strings till the Hank comes out,
Make all the drunk girls scream and shout,
We love it we hate it we're all just trying to make it,
We love it we hate it we all came here to make it,
In this crazy town,
It's a crazy town.
Похожие новости.
Liberta Live
(Florian Peppuy) Tu sais qu'il y a un bateau qui m?ne au pays des r?ves L?-bas o? il fait chaud, o? le ciel n'a pas son pareil Tu sais qu'au bout de cette terre Oui,
Кусай Свои Губы
Не стучи не в закрытые двери. Не буди только дикого зверя. Не смотри по ту сторону света. Уходи, если можешь остаться. И молчи, если будешь ломаться. Не ходи не во что не одетой. Кусай свои губы,
Чоловіче Мій
Чоловіче мій, запрягай коня. То не кінь, а змій, миготить стерня. Доберемося за три годиночки За стонадцять верст до родиночки. Чуєш роде мій, роде, родоньку, Чом бур’ян пішов по городоньку? Роботящий мій з діда-прадіда, Двір занедбаний, Боже
Stand Up
Cause I came here to dance I'm gonna put up my hands And stand up, stand up Cause I came here to dance I'm gonna put up my hands And stand up, stand up Get up,
The Day The World Gets ‘Round
The day the world gets 'round to understanding where it is, Using all it's found, to help each other, hand in hand The day the world gets 'round to understanding where it's gone Losing so much