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The Boss

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 01.08.2012

Fancy me
Thought I had my degree
In life and how love
Ought to be a run
I had a one step plan to prove it
Guide in my pocket for fools
Folly and fun
Love had to show me one thing

I was so right (so right)
So right
Thought I could turn emotion
On and off
I was so sure
So sure (I was so sure)
But love taught me
Who was, who was, who was the boss

I'd defy
Anyone who claimed that I
Didn't control
Whatever moved in my soul
I could tempt
Touch delight
Just because you fell for me
Why should I feel uptight
Love had to show me one thing

I was so right (so right)
So right
Thought I could turn emotion
On and off
I was so sure
So sure (I was so sure)
But love taught me
Who was, who was, who was the boss

Love taught me
Taught me
Taught me
Taught me

I was so right (so right)
So right
Thought I could turn emotion
On and off
I was so sure
So sure (I was so sure)
But love taught me
Who was, who was, who was the boss
(Taught me who was, who was the boss)

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Первая песня из фильма «Война под крышами» Называется - «Песня о новом времени» Как призывный набат, прозвучали в ночи тяжело шаги, - Значит, скоро и нам уходить и прощаться без слов. По нехоженым тропам



[Joss Stone] If I was just a little bit stronger, baby Coulda make it last a little bit longer maybe Coulda made it on my own I should have just let you go I should

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