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To A Little Radio Right Around The World

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.09.2012

Bert told Brecht
Brecht told Bert
Words like birds flew right around the world
Right around the world
Right around the world
Words flew right around the world

Beware! Don't look away!
Hear what the poet has to say
Songs and rhymes for the worst of times
Paper feeds the fire In the coldest winter
Bert told Brecht
Brecht told Bert
Words like birds flew right around the world
Right around the world
Right around the world
Words flew right around the world

Wake up! Look around!
The painter learnt to juggle like a clown
Poet he shouts till they chase him out
Marching into exile with an old typewriter
Bert told Brecht
Brecht told Bert
Words like birds flew right around the world
Right around the world
Right around the world
Words flew right around the world

Take care! Open up your eyes!
Words can take you by surprise
Poet he writes fights the best of fights
Taking on the painter with a pen and paper...
Bert told Brecht
Brecht told Bert
Words like birds flew right around the world
Right around the world
Right around the world
Words flew right around the world
Right around the world
Right around the world
Words flew right around the world

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