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(I Love) Being In Love With You

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.09.2012

I thought I'd already touched the sky
I got to know you and I don't know why
But all of my life couldn't mean as much
As just being touched by you

I never thought of me growing up
Got my directions but the road was rough
It's only the dream of a teenage queen
But somehow I made it through

And I'd love to see
Those faces of those friends I left behind
And even those who spoke for me
Just trying to be kind
And no one said I love you just the way
I know you do

And I love being in love with you
Living inside your heart
The giving and the taking
You are not forsaken
I love being in love with you
Thank you just for choosing me
That we should be
Being in love forever
And ever, ever

I stare and wonder at what I found
I just discovered why the world is round
Round in a circle my arms will be
And doing the same as you
It ain't right it's only for you and me
Only the lonely do it seperately
Keep it alive on the food of love
But only the chosen few

In my life you see some changes in me
We listen and we grow
Any child that clings to childish things
Is trying to let go
And up to now
I'd thought I'd seen as far as I could see

And I love being in love with you
Living inside your heart
The giving and the taking
You are not forsaken
I love being in love with you
Thank you just for choosing me
That we should be
Being in love forever
And ever, ever

And I love being in love with you
Living inside your heart
The giving and the taking
You are not forsaken
I love being in love with you
Thank you just for choosing me
That we should be

I love being in love with you
Living inside your heart
The giving and the taking
You are not forsaken
I love being in love with you

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