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I Know Nothing

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.07.2012

Come with me to find
What everybody wants in life.
Do you know where it hides?
I don't.

Here I am one more time
With the same damn lives.
Is this really love?
Who knows.

I tried to understand
Who knows all there is to know?
Who knows how love is supposed to go?
Has somebody found it all?
Tell me please
Here I am down on the floor.
Am I doing this so wrong?
Tell me something if you know.
'Cause I know nothing.

Everything feels so right
Yet everything feels so wrong
Will this always be my song?
Say no.

We fight and then we don't
We laugh just to cope
Is this some sick joke?
Who knows.

I tried to understand
Who knows all there is to know?
Who knows how love is supposed to go?
Has somebody found it all?
Tell me please
Here I am down on the floor.
Am I doing this so wrong?
Tell me something if you know.
'Cause I know nothing.

There's gotta be a voice out there who answer prayers.
Answer me if you can.
'Cause You know all there is know
You know how love supposed to go
And I know you found it all
So tell me now please.
Here I am down on the floor
I know I'm doing this so wrong
Tell me something cause you know
God I know nothing.

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