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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.08.2012

I've been chasing after Josie since the day I could run
Even though I didn't know it at the time
And I followed her from Texas 'til she found me undone
Just a jump ahead of what I left behind.

She was proud of her young body as a body could be
On her way to be a woman of the world
And I still can see her smiling as she gave it to me
Lookin' like a lonesome little girl.

Josie, is it true that you've grown harder than your years
Sellin' them your sadness on the street
How much did you lose between the laughter and the tears
Gettin' back the bitter for the sweet

Well, she loved me back to livin' at a time I was lost
With the closest thing to love I've ever known
And she led me through some bridges I was burnin' to cross
Then she went and burned some bridges of her own.

Now the road's a little colder every time that I leave
For another empty place I've never been
And I don't suppose it's likely that she's lookin' for me
But someday I may just chase her down again.

Josie, is it true that you've grown harder than your years
Sellin' them your sadness on the street
How much did you lose between the laughter and the tears
Gettin' back the bitter for the sweet

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