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Eagle And The Bear

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.07.2012

I will fight and I will die for freedom up against an eagle or a bear
I will help my brother and we'll sink or swim together
If you don't like it Mister I don't care
I have served with honor in the army I have been a soldier overseas
I have seen my fatherland stagger like a dying man blinded and bewildered by disease
I ain't gonna take it any longer I can't look around it anymore
I'll defend what I believe in a land of liberty like my father did before
I'll just pray to God for Nicaragua and the sorrow of El Salvador today
And I'll say until the day we free Mandela all the world will be in chains

I will fight and I will die for freedom up against an eagle or a bear
I will help my brother and we'll sink or swim together
If you don't like it Mister I don't care
I'll just pray to God for Nicaragua and the sorrow of El Salvador today
And I'll say until the day we free Mandela all the world will be in chains

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