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Blame The Machines

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.11.2012

I'm driving up the autobahn
Losing my way as the night gets long
The headlights shining in my face
Scream out the danger of this place

And now there's no way home, this love affair is ended
I should have known when I bought into the dream
So like your solid soul, to leave me lost and stranded
I blame myself and I blame the machines

I'm flying blind, I'm speeding through
I hate to think I've been fooled by you
An interactive nightmare show which never ends
It just goes on and on and on and on


And now, turn left
I have control
You are not required to think at all
Everything we hear (Goes on and on)
Everything we see
Everything we love (Goes on and on)
Everything we feel
Everything we want (Goes on and on)
Everything we do (And on)
Everywhere we go (And on)
Everything we know (And on)


I blame the machines
Blame the machines
I blame the machines
Blame the machines
I blame the machines
Blame the machines

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