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Before The Rain

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 22.08.2012

A stormy summer is rolling closer
Lighting up this holy smoker
And if this drinking could ease the thinking
I toast to my home truth with this glass

All rise, you promises broken
Call my lovers by their names
Lost hearts and words that are spoken to the wind which blows before the rain

Little pin-pricks, and how my ears bleed
On the bomb ticks that is my heartbeat
In every life-flash, in every car crash
I hear the silence waiting to fall

All rise, you promises broken
Call my lovers by their names
Lost hearts and words that are spoken to the wind which blows before the rain

For all I carry, are murdered secrets
The price of my blue star-eyed weakness
And so we travel, and we unravel
Towards the place where all loose ends go

All rise, you promises broken
Call my lovers by their names
Lost hearts and words that are spoken to the wind which blows before the rain

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