Take the beautiful sting of a Scorpio
A careless smile and it begins to snow
And it hurts me to think
That you might never know
That I've got this thing about you
In case you don't understand
There's something else I meant to tell you
There is nothing better
Than being with you
And I'm feeling so nice
There is nowhere better
Than here with you
And it's feeling so nice
Staying up with the moon
And walking home in the rain
Mixed with your perfume
And never twice the same
I got a lot to lose
But everything to gain
When I really think about it
You haven't got a clue
It's all that I can do to hide it
There is nothing better
Than being with you
And I'm feeling so nice
There is nowhere better
Than here with you
And it's feeling so nice
Did I already say
'Cause you make me forget
I might as well be brave and tell 'ya
And it hurts me to think that
You might never know
Will it hurt as much being true?
I might as well be brave and tell 'ya
Yeah I'm feeling
And it's feeling so nice
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