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Across The World

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.06.2012

Hey Jim, its like these boyz wanna make music for their block, you know, for their hood, their city.
I'm tryin to make music for the world you feel me right, B.O.B? So this what we came up with.

I got up today
And my flight was late
On my way to L.A
I jumped up on a plane
And put on my shades
And threw on my head phones

I was vibing to this beat
That made me move my feet
Boy that thang was stickin

And then I heard this melody
The dopest one I've ever seen
Something out the usual

So Mr. Pilot please
I think I got a hit on you
Hurry to the studio.

I'll play across the world
Across the world
Across the world
I'll play across the world
Across the world
Across the world
I'll play across the world

Well I got up today
Put some gas in my tank
To make it to the studio

And then I heard this beat
It made me move my feet
Hell yeah that thang was super dope
And then I sang this melody
The dopest one I've ever seen
Something out the usual

So Mr. Engineer
Turn up the auto tune
So ill be on the radio


Been around the world
Same old songs
Now on stage
Hit the bras and thongs
Long way from what I came from
Fighting in the club
For just singing a song
Now my passports full
I'm outta pages
New places, new faces
New fans, all ages
Black, pink, purple, orange,

Latinos, European and
In Japan, they Knew all my lyrics,
it was Amazing!
They spoke Spanish

I guess its true what they say
Music is the universal language
It's a true blessing you know
To travel the globe


Похожие новости.



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