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Raging Storm

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.08.2012

Silently dawn comes in with the rain, and I feel the world is crying,
The moment is here, and it's time to say goodbye;

Words cannot tell of all you have done, and the love that you have shown me,
You're more than a friend, you have helped me to find myself;

There is a dream that you must follow,
And always listen to your heart - you'll be forever in my life -
And if you need me in some new tomorrow,
Reach out, wherever you are;

And I will fly through the raging storm,
I will rise where others fall,
I will be there where the eagles fly,
I will hear you when you call - and I hate to see you go;

You gave me a life from ashes and dust, from a place where hope was dying,
The girl that you found has become a woman now;

There is a dream that you must follow,
I'll try to listen to my heart,
We'll meet again in some new tomorrow,
I'll find you wherever you are!

And I will fly through the raging storm,
I will rise where others fall,
I will be there where the eagles fly,
I will hear you when you call;

It's time to go - I want to stay - I'll miss you so -
But I believe that we'll meet again someday;

We will be there where the eagles fly, I will hear you when you call,
'Cos I love you.

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