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The Rivers Of Abraham

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.10.2012

He walked alone up the rocky road,
To find the place, to read the stone,
And bring the word back, from the top of the mountain,
Where it would be;

The lightning struck, and the thunder roared,
As he lifted it up,
In the name of the Lord,
And many waited for the new revelation,
They are ready to go, they're going home;

And the rivers of Abraham are running free,
With the dawn of a waking man, and destiny,
To the garden of Eden, and Paradise,
We will never be broken, and we will never die;

We cross the bridge to the silver bird,
And say goodbye to the ones that we love,
No skies or oceans in the place we are going,
Like seeds on the wind;

The time has come, we shut the door,
We are ready to go, in the name of the Lord
A world is waiting for a new destination,
We are ready to go, we're going home;

And the rivers of Abraham are running free,
With the dawn of a waking man, and destiny,
To the garden of Eden and Paradise,
We will never be broken and we will never die;

And the rivers of Abraham, are running free,
With the dawn of a waking man and destiny,
To the garden of Eden and Paradise,
We will never be broken,
We will never die,

And the rivers of Abraham are running free,
With the dawn of a waking man, and destiny,
To the garden of Eden and Paradise
We will never be broken and we will never die.

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