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Walking In My Father’s Shoes

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 28.09.2012

He made it to every ball game
Unless he just had to go to work
He always said a man's got to juggle his time and his money
And he's got to know, what each one is worth
He taught me so many things
Even when he wasn't trying to
And when I'm in a situation I can't figure out
I just ask myself what would he do

I'm walking in my father's shoes
He's never let me down
That's a lot to live up to
Stumbling falling
Tryin' to stand tall in
Walking in my father's shoes

I'm balancing my checkbook, balancing my life
Chasing down a dollar, trying to buy some time
I jump out in the fast lane, sometimes I risk it all
Running myself right down to a crawl

Then I get up on Sunday morning
And get down on my knees
I always feel that he's right there listening
Giving me direction and giving me strength

I'm walking in my father's shoes
He's never let me down
That's a lot to live up to
Stumbling falling
Tryin' to stand tall in
Walking in my father's shoes

Yes I'm stumbling and falling
Trying to stand tall in
Walking in my father's shoes

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