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In The Dream

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 31.08.2012

Eight years old wearing his daddy's hard hat
He grabbed the water hose
Says he saw the fireman do it like that
His wagon was his ladder truck
He pulled it around, and at the top of his lungs
He'd make a fire engine sound

In The Dream
He is more than just a hero
More than anything he ever wanted to be
In The Dream
There's a world that lasts forever
And life is so much better than it seems
Close your eyes you can be anything
In The Dream

Fumbling through the attic
She found her mother's old wedding dress
She said someday she'd wear it
And wouldn't mama be impressed
She can just about imagine what everyone would say
When her knight in shining armor comes to carry her away

In The Dream
She's as pretty as a picture
More than anything she ever wanted to be
In The Dream
There's a world that lasts forever
And life is so much better than it seems
Close your eyes you can be anything
In The Dream

On the one side of the isle
Sits all her family
On the other side are all his friends from Engine 53
When she looks at him
I wonder if he knows
To her he's still the boy she met 20 years ago

In The Dream
He's more than just a hero
She pretty as a picture
Like they wanted to be
In The Dream
There's a world that lasts forever
And life is so much better than it seems
Close your eyes you can be anything
Close your eyes you can be anything
In The Dream

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