I’ll Just Hold On
I can taste your kiss on my lips
And I'm wrapped around your finger tips
As I watch the moonlight dancing on your skin
Your green eyes and the sweet red wine
Go to my head girl every time
And I get drunk on you
I lose control and then
And here I go again
I'm falling for you even though I know your only playing with my heart
Tomorrow might be hell
But a night or two of loving you is better than never at all
And I can't help myself
So I'll just hold on
I'll just hold on
I'll just hold on
Until your gone
Girl I know you're a gypsy soul
And I'm just a stop along your road
And you hang around long enough to blow my mind
If I had a star for every scar
You tattooed on my heart
I could fill up the Oklahoma sky
So girl I don't know why
I'll just hold on
I'll just hold on
I'll just hold on
Till your gone
I look down and my cell phone rings
And I see your name and I know what that means
But I don't care
I'll just hold on
Till your gone
Every time you need to take it home?
Seeing you there just breaks my heart?
I don't care
I'll just hold on
Till your gone
Your green eyes and that sweet red wine
Go to my head girl every time
But I don't care
I'll just hold on
Till your gone
Похожие новости.
Подивися мені в очі Я тобі сказати хочу Не люблю не люблю Більше я тебе Ти прийшла до мене знову Та облиш свою розмову Знову я знову ти Більше не знайти Приспів: Залиши моє серце Залиши мою любов Залиши моє серце Залиши
Don’t Say No
If only you were a ship, I'd sail the seven seas Claiming all the land that remains of you and me We'd drift down the coast in search of a new life
Там, в Ойкумени на краю, Де пережив i злети, й стреси, Вгледiв я суджену свою З iм’ям прекрасної принцеси. Приспів: Дiана, Дiана, Дiана - Давньоримська богиня. Моя єдина, моя кохана, Серця мого берегиня. Там норма - мiнус сорок п’ять. Там
Здравствуй, я долго здесь Хочешь тебя коснусь Если ты просто сон Значит я лишь проснусь Мимо сбежала грусть Вдоль по моей щеке Я остаюсь и пусть Будет та же грусть
Make Me Down
A little rest for a spell A little water from your well A little shade from the shade of your door That is all that I need And I believe those might be The truest