Better Stories
If you never hit a cow at 3 a.m.
In a borrowed Oldsmobile
Played cards all night in the county jail
With the one arm man name Phil
If you never counted ball off the fifth floor rail
And do a bull at the Holiday Inn
'Cause it was Panama City, you were drunk and she was pretty
The paramedics gave you a prefect ten
And when we're old and rocking on the porch
Re-living all our glory
You might have a few less scars
But I'll have better stories
If you never been bitten by a snake in a church
While you sang "Amazing Grace"
If you never had to bribe a border guard
To overlook that one suitcase
If you never hustle pool in a biker bar
And had an eight ball break your nose
Then hit the first Harley with the front of your truck
Just to watch them all fall like dominoes
When we're old and rocking on the porch
Re-living all our glory
You might have a few less scars
But I'll have better stories
If you never been banned from a Taco Bell
If you didn't fry your nest's egg
If you never had a doctor say "what the hell?"
As a little mad nurse climbed out of your bed
When we're old and rocking on the porch
Re-living all our glory
You might have a few less scars
But I'll have better stories
You might have both brain cells left
But I'll have better stories
I don't even know where half these scars came from
Somebody remembers though I can't, do you?
I know this one right here was from that jump across that car
On that bicycle, you dared me, I did it
Girls do love scars
Похожие новости.

молчание камня имя с прикосновением руки религия случайных линий движение большой реки не слышно за окном ступает бесполая и грустная любовь слепая ночь пуста как прежде и растворяется как сон и откликается все реже на семьдесят своих имен не слышно

Change (Vinnie Jones Intro)
You see I know change I see change I embody change All we do is change Yeah, I know change We are born to change We sometimes reagrd it as a metaphor That reflects the way things

Blame It On The Sun
Where has my love gone? How can I go on? It seems, dear Love has gone away Where is my spirit? I'm nowhere near it Oh yes, my love has gone astray But I'll blame it on

Муз: И.Зубков Сл. К.Арсенев Сколько лет перепутий, тревог и дождей, Только фонари смотрят в сонные окна, В парк уже ушел запоздавший трамвай, В доме суета до рассвета примолкла, Оставляя место словам. Ангел, ангел, ангел мой

Девочка одетая в розовое, музыка в плеере. В сумочки 11 минут Пауло Коэльо. Модная косметика, гороскоп на неделю, блокнот, Флакон Дюпон, диск Аркелли или Нелли, В кино билеты на 22 с чем-то Он, она, объятия,