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One & Only

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 04.07.2012

Ahahahahahah yeah

Have I been away too long?
Did I miss all the action?
What happened to the neighbours and the girl next door?
Did you get my greetings?
What happened to the graffiti?
And what about this crap on the walls?

Did I forget about someone?
No offence but I have to
I didn't have a respect for the violence
And what about this music?
Did I forget something else?
When I left in silence

Don't let the shadows reach me (Don't let the shadows reach me)
Don't let the shadows swallow the light while I'm sleeping, yeah
Whatever comes to your mind just hit me
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
The one and only lonely

Did I win the first prize?
Have I crossed the enemylines
Got stabbed in the back but I don't know why
Like walking on the eggshells
Stepping over landmines
Waiting for the moment from the open sky
Did you forget about something?
Did you forget about you and me?
What about this envy around me?
Did I do something wrong?
Have I been away too long?
In middle of these changes

Don't let the shadows reach me (Don't let the shadows reach me)
Don't let the shadows swallow the light while I'm sleeping, yeah
Whatever comes to your mind just hit me
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely

Oh ohohoh ohohoh ohohoh
Oh ohohoh ohohoh ohohoh
Oh ohohoh ohohoh ohohohoh
Oh ohohoh ohohoh whatever comes to your mind just hit me
Whatever comes to your mind

It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
It's my time
My time
The one and only lonely
It's my time
My time
Whatever comes to your mind just hit me

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