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I Can’t Make It Alone

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.08.2012

The best years of my life I placed into your hands
Now suddenly you've made, you've made a change of plans
That world we built for two does not include me now
That world of pleasant dream is but a nightmare now.

On life's bridge we ran so gaily hand in hand
But it's all over now, that bridge is all burned down
Your love was all I could depend upon
Who can I turn to now, now that you?e gone.

I can't make it alone
I need your love to call my own
I can't run, I can't hide from this love that's inside
All that I long to do is spend my life loving you
Every minute, every hour, always.

The joyful things that we used to do
That kept me right on, right on loving you
Oh, playing funny, childish games
Like running barefoot in the rain.

It was a special dream, a dream that I could feel
But now you?e gone, life's so unreal
Your love is truly the only love I've known
What am I to do now that you're gone.

I can't make it alone
I need your love to call my own
I can't run, I can't hide from this love that's inside
All that I long to do is spend my life loving you
Every minute, every hour, every day.

Days have come and gone but they never find you here
Nights are twice as long, oh, without you, dear
After many, many faithful years
How could you cause me so many tears?

I can't make it alone
I need your arms around me
I can't make it alone
I need your arms around me
I can't make it alone
Just can't make it alone.

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