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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.06.2012

So it was that everything
That went to make up everything
Was wrapped up tight inside a grain
Of great insistence
Then someone gave the great command
All things paired off for the dance
The great to small the small to grand
Down to this instant


The hawk around the field mouse
The love around a lover's mouth
I find my mind in settling down
In circuits round you
The angels ?€?round their crowded pins
The amber-waved electrons spin
In planetary transits
Round the ones they're bound to


Who do you circle round
Who is it circles round you
Is it circles round you?
Who is it circles round you
Do you circle round who
It is circles round you?

The ghost around the one it haunts
The want around the thing that wants
The way the mind just wanders off and then returns to
The thought around the second thought
Love or gravity or law
Whatever name it's got it's got me
Circling round you
The guess around the second guess
The hornet round the hornet's nest
The wheel time the wheel fate
The light that bends itself through space
The light that with it carries time
Which also bends in the same line
Relative to point of view
So when I catch a glimpse of you
Every time you come around
The room lights up
And time slow tooooooooooooo!

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