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Weave On

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.10.2012

Weave on sisters of the night
On your loom of pain,
Try and stitch the darkness through the light
Weave on property and crime, the wars and waste
Give our souls a break from the hunger,
For the profits and the saints

Stitch it on, the weapon's drawn
And the children's playing and their fathers fell
In unmarked graves with your fingers pale and numb
Just pray

Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Just you still weave on

Feed on sorry sons of state
Preaching salvation, while we fall with such amazing grace
Feed on love of money, love of race
Disrespect of country,
And of neighbor's neighbored in our hate

Stitch it on, the brothers gone,
And the lives they gave to the foreign graves
With your fingers pale and numb
Just pray, just pray

Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Just you sisters weave on,
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh you sisters just weave on, on, on!

These are the plans, the words will leave a mind arranged [?]
You there share this pain,
Withdrawn from this place ends speedily
Lest the harsh, smite your mind, I'll sow with madness
How dare you adjust the cowardice
I am ready to endure with him whatever must be
I am ready to endure with him whatever must be

Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Oh, you sisters weave on
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh, you sisters weave on
Weave your stitching purple, blue and red
Just you sisters weave on,
Let the blood run through your thread
Oh you sisters just weave on, on, on!

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