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You Go Your Way

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.06.2012

All you pretty bags are packed
Forever sure did go by fast
I hope you find the skies are blue
The grass is green and the road is smooth

You go your way, c'est la vie sweet baby
Here's hoping that you don't hate me
Who knows you might just maybe miss me out there
It ain't about who's right or wrong
Love dies and life goes on
Had a good thing, but now it's a long gone baby
You go your way, and I'll go crazy

I poured some bourbon in a coffee cup
It's been too long since I drink too much
So here's to me and here's to the moon
And here's to love that ends too soon

You go your way, c'est la vie sweet baby
Here's hoping that you don't hate me
Who knows you might just maybe miss me out there
It ain't about who's right or wrong
Love dies and life goes on
Had a good thing, but now it's a long gone baby
You go your way, and I'll go crazy

Yeah, it ain't about who's right or wrong,
Love dies and life goes on
Had a good thing but now it's a long gone baby
You go your way, and I'll go crazy

Yeah, I'll go crazy

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