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When I Saw You Leaving

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.09.2012

Ain’t it funny how, in a minute, your whole life’s looking fine
And a short few words later it all just comes untied?
You can’t believe you’re looking at what was always someone else
Now it’s staring right back at you, yesterday you couldn’t tell
So shock and dissolution, helpless and confused
Not knowing how and what to say, not accepting that it’s true.
You can’t help but see the worst to come a thousand different ways
The same time trying to hold on strong in optimistic games.

When I saw you leaving, when I saw you leaving
When I saw you leaving in my mind.

And the angry starts to surface, looking up, asking why
And you realize he probably wants the best, as same as I
Days just go by quickly, nights just never end
As time gets so more precious, every sunrise and old friend
Trying to be opposed, to lean on, a part you learn is hard to play
Asking God to let you take her place or just take it all away.
Hope you’ll wake up in the morning, was all just been a dream
You never take for granted every second that you breathe.

When I saw you leaving, when I saw you leaving
When I saw you leaving in my mind.

And the seconds turn to minutes
And minutes wouldn’t last
And the hours, days and weeks and months
Seem endless and too fast
And the lessons just pour from Heaven
Like the rain on that first spring
Since that moment I first saw you
You might not always be with me.

When I saw you leaving, when I saw you leaving
When I saw you leaving in my mind.

Ain’t it funny how, in a minute, your whole life’s looking fine
And a short few words later it all just comes untied?

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