Love R.I.P.
If you say that you're not serious
Walk away and just forget about us
Hey baby
I'm not gonna take it this time
Oh no..
If you say that you're not good for me
You see no future in this unity
Hey baby
I'm not gonna take it this time
Oh no..
Yeah yeah..
I won't say stop because you ask me to
Don't leave our love behind
Honey won't you tell me, tell me
Why you messin with my mind
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I do
You don't care nothin bout the pain you put me through
Show your feelings for me
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I say
You don't care nothin bout the way I feel today
But I won't let love R.I.P
I won't take the way you're hurtin me
You gotta treat me with some dignity
Hey baby
I'm not gonna take it this time
Oh no..
Cos I'm much stronger than you think you know
Won't play your game this way
Honey won't you tell me, tell me
Just what you're tryin to say
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I do
You don't care nothin bout the pain you put me through
Show your feelings for me
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I say
You don't care nothin bout the way I feel today
But I won't let love R.I.P
Love R.I.P...
If you say that you're not serious
Walk away and just forget about us
Hey baby
I'm not gonna take it this time
I'm not gonna leave our love behind..
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I do
You don't care nothin bout the pain you put me through
Show your feelings for me
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I say
You don't care nothin bout the way I feel today
But I won't let love R.I.P
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I do
You don't care nothin bout the pain you put me through
Show your feelings for me
Cos you don't care nothin bout the things I say
You don't care nothin bout the way I feel today
But I won't let love R.I.P
Похожие новости.

Что Успеем (feat. Стриж; Fame)
Куплет 1 Я такое видел, я это знаю... Как судьба душу с сердцем выдирает когда близких теряем Таим перед злом маски добра Стебем чужую боль "Че ты как тряпка а?" Не кури не пей Потом скулим

Хочеться більшого, глибшого, вищого. Може щирішого, а може незвичного. Вдома лукава (вдома лукава) Мене не отравить. Сон на розправу (сон на розправу) Гарячої кави. Хочу мінятись я і чимось займатися. І прокидатися від єха овації. Щось мене кличе

Mets Pas Celle La
Celle la c'est pour tous qu'on n?glige leur putain troph?e avec ou sans on existe celle la c'est pour tous qu'on n?glige leur putain troph?e avec ou sans on existe refrain: si tu veux du

Precious Memories
Precious memories unseen angels sent from some where to my soul how they linger ever near me and the sacred paths unfold precious memories how they linger how they ever flood my soul in the stillness

Подруга Шинель
Назавжди дарована, воїном шанована, Ти пройшла походами все життя земне. Приспів: В ніч холодну сніжну зігріває ніжно, Вірная солдату подруга шинель. У вогнях пропалена, у боях поранена, Ти від кулі лютої зберегла мене. Приспів: А коли солдати полягають