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My Name

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.07.2012

I won't apologise for the mess that you're in
I'm gonna hide my eyes from your crimson sin
No sacrifice can make atonement again
The blood is on your hands ; you should be ashamed

You won't forget my name
You won't forget my name

So now I say goodbye and this is to you, I pledge ;
Take your final step and plummet over the edge
You listened to the snake ! I won't take any blame
Now here's my breath in your face,
I leave you up in flames

You won't forget my name
You won't forget my name

Behold ! The angel's singing sweet
For righteousness ; a cry !
He sings for you so tenderly ;
"Apple of my eye !"

Stay right where you are ;
Don't be so foolish to try any courageous moves
You won't be saving lives
I didn't do all I've done for you to put me in the shame

Now in your final hour my legacy remains

You won't forget my name
You won't forget my name

Behold ! The angel's singing sweet
For righteousness ; a cry !
I sing for you so tenderly ;
"Apple of my eye !"

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