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What Have You Got Planned Tonight Diana

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.10.2012

I remember it all started in 1929 when me and Diana came to Alaska
To homestead some of this free government land

Forty mile from the nearest gravel road we cut our life in the ponderosa pines
We sweated hard to beat the winter snow
But the cabin's up and we've got lots of times
What have you got planned tonight Diana would you consider laying in my arms
I love you more than ever now Diana I'm sure you're the reason I was born

Jim was born the first year we were here look at him my God he's almost grown
The baby's in the cradle fast asleep just think in no time he'll be up and gone
What have you got planned tonight Diana...

The time sure does fly doesn't it Dianna
It's been almost two years now since since you've been gone
Speaking of time I guess you know that mine's bout up I'm gonna see you tonight
Just another breath or two and I'll be home by the way
What have you got planned tonight Diana...

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