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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.08.2012

It's been like this from the start
One piece after another to make my heart
You mistake the game for being smart
Stand here, sell this, and hit your mark

But the sound of the steel
and the crush, and the grind
it all screams who am I, to decide my life
But in time it all dies,
There's nothing left inside
Just rusted metal that was never even mine

I would scream
But I'm just this hollow shell
Waiting here, begging please
Set me free so I can feel


Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breathe, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me i'm a part of the big machine
Im breaking free,
can't you see
I can love, I can speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes and now I see
I'm not your robot I'm just me

All this time, I've been mislead
There was nothing but crosswires in my head
I've been taught to think that what I feel
doesn't matter at all
till they say its real

I would scream
But I'm just this hollow shell
waiting here, begging please
Set me free so I can feel


Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breathe, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me i'm a part of the big machine
Im breaking free,
can't you see
I can love, I can speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes and now I see
I'm not your robot, I'm just me

I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot

I would scream,
but I'm just this hollow shell
Waiting here
Breaking free
Set me free so I can feel


Stop trying to live my life for me
I need to breathe, i'm not your robot
Stop telling me i'm a part of the big machine
Im breaking free,
can't you see
I can love, I can speak
Without somebody else operating me
You gave me eyes and now I see
I'm not your robot, I'm just me

I'm not your robot, i'm just me
I'm not your robot

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