How Do You Feel?
Everything comes back to you, it never fades away.
The poison keeps running through your veins.
A ripple goes around the world and comes back as a wave.
You?ll be judged by every word you say.
Most people have to struggle to keep their sanity,
no one needs your negativity.
Why do you always criticize and tell those selfish lies?
Do you feel better for it - what's the deal?
How do you feel?
Two can play at your game if you wanna mess with me.
I'll take you fucking on and you will see
just how it feels when I decide to kick somebody down
and leave them sprawling on the ground!
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
If you think it's worth it,
try to mess with me,
come on I'll take you on and you will see!
Everything comes back to you,
everything comes round.
Which of us is on the solid ground?
The inciter, the fighter, the neutral or the weak,
the one who always turns the other cheek.
How do you feel?
Похожие новости.
Humilde Resid?ncia
Vou te esperar aqui, Mas v? se atende o telefone mesmo se for a cobrar. Hoje eu n?o vou sair, Porque meu carro ta quebrado, Eu n?o to podendo gastar. Quando chegar aqui, Me d? um
Walk On The Outside
I've been in here so long I forgot what I did wrong Just a kid when they put me here inside I don't have long to live and Lord what I would
Немереный Путь
С привычной легкостью наперевес Я включаюсь в общий процесс. Запрещающие знаки летят долой: Осторожно, это я начинаю свой Немереный путь, Непреднамеренный путь. Навстречу препятствия, Рождается лес, Все идут по кругу, Каждый чувствует вес, Инспектор по движению — Странный такой: Обеспокоен, как я Направлю
Видишь, Я Жива (Измученное Сердце)
Видишь, я жива Сердце мое бьется Голос нежно льется Не остыла кровь моя И глаза мои Видят превосходно А душа свободно В облаках парит А внутри меня Реки и озера Стаи, птицы, ветер Снегопады, горы... Измученное сердце снова бьется Моя рука твоей опять
La Vita E’ Una
Questa vita non la cambierei Anche se alle volte picchia duro E ti senti spalle al muro Circondato dai guai E gli amici sembrano stranieri Che tu non capisci mai Gridi aiuto ma la voce tua E'