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Brand New

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 30.07.2012

[Verse 1]
This here is on some truthful shit!
Its seems like everything I do your use to it!
And I hate hearing stories bout who you've been with!
Thats when I gotta hide what I'm feeling inside.
So you still think I am confident and damn
Is this gonna last?
Your up on a pedastool.
Are we moving too fast?
Feels Like I'm in crazy competition with the past.
That's why I gotta ask...

Is anything I'm doin' Brand New?
Brand New [5x]
Is anything I'm doin' Brand New?
Brand New [6x]
(Aye Aye Aye)

[Verse 2]
This here is something personal
I highly doubt this feeling is reversible
Knowledge is pain and that is why it hurts to know
That you atempt to hide and put mistakes aside
So I don't ever question you, and damn
I can't even find the perfect brush
So i can paint what's going through my mind
Racing against myself but I'm a couple steps behind
That's why I gotta ask...


[Verse 3]
Is anything I'm doing Brand New?
New [5x]
Is everything I'm doing to late?
Late [3x]
Did he take your clothes off just like this?
Did he give you loving just this?
Did you spend the night in his bed on the very 1st date?
Tell me baby, Am I too late?

[Fading w/ ad libs by Drake]

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