I Love You
I opened my mouth
It all rushed out spoken
Though I never meant you to know it
I lost all of my self and got held in the moment
without even knowing
I stopped and got lost in my mind
I never felt so unraveled in my whole life
I said I love you, I love you, I love you
But now I'll regret it
I said I love you, I love you, I love you
But I'm sorry I said it
But what's done is done
I can't undo what's done
Don't wanna hurt this thing we've just begun
I know I've said it
But can we forget this?
I caught my self that I'm scared that we're broken
Though you never do see it coming
And I don't know what, why or how our hearts are hoping
My feelings are showing
I stopped and got lost in your eyes
I never thought you could make me so alive
I said I love you, I love you, I love you
But now I'll regret it
I said I love you, I love you, I love you
But I'm sorry I said it
But what's done is done
I can't undo what's done
Don't wanna hurt this thing we've just begun
I know I've said it
But can we forget this?
Now I'm hoping your heart's open
Words unfolded
Now you know and
I couldn't hold it all inside
Push it back in to rewind
Now my secret is spoken...
[Chorus 2x]
I love you and now I regret it
I love you I'm sorry I said it
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