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Jesse Jackson

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.06.2012

He was walking with your brother on the streets of Alabama
He was marching next to Martin when he died
Working face to face in Cuba and Managua Nicaragua
He did not yet beat the devil but he tried
Hold on brother Jesse Jackson there's a better world a comin'
Where a man can hope a man will show some heart
You just keep right on believin' in the better side of human
They ain't ready for it yet but it's a start
And you move 'em when you hit 'em in the heart

We must bring it all together we must start right at the bottom
Back to helpin' one another when we can
Cause if he's hungry and he's human and he's fightin' for his freedom
Then he shouldn't be too hard to understand
Hold on brother Jesse Jackson...
Hold on brother Jesse Jackson...

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Всё да? Ок! Короче вчера вечером у меня небыло текста На этот супер классный третий раунд И конечно же супер классный седьмой баттл Ну вообшем мне было насрать я лёг спать А когда открыл глаза



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