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Fish On The Sand

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.06.2012

I know you're in the sun
I know you're close to ev'ryone
At times it's like you don't have a hold on me

I see you in the love
I see you in the moon above
But I want to know that you're not lost inside of me

You know I need you
You know I love you
If I'm not with you
I'm not so much of a man
I'm like a fish on the sand

You call me in the night (you call me in the night)
And hide behind the daylight
You're blowing like a wind, you don't let me see

You know I feel a pain (you know I feel a pain)
I'm tired of playing games with you
Though there's nothing else I want that would set me free

You know I love you
You know I need you
If I can't be with you
I'm not so much of a man
I'm a fish on the sand

No use to no one else, they've all dried up
Watching all our lives go by
I can't believe you'd want to see me crying

I hold you in my heart (hold you in my heart)
I know that you're a part of me
But it's a must to know that you love me too

I look you in the eye (look you in the eye)
You're swimming by my teardrops
But I want to know for sure that you'll let me see

You know I want you
You know I need you
If I'm not with you
I'm not so much of a man
I'm like a fish on the sand

You know I need you
You know I love you
If I'm not with you
I'm not so much of a man
I'm a fish on the sand

Not so much of a man
More a fish on the sand

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