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Sound Of Thunder

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.08.2012

I've been in this grass here for the last ten hours
My clothes are dirty but my mouth isn't dry
How does it happen does it fly through the air
Woah I gave up asking days away I gave up asking days away

And now I'm lying here waiting for the sound of thunder
Waiting for the sound of thunder

Here I am I'm a dotted line cut in through corners stick me through your door
I'm the man who stepped off the path
Am I just lying here that's what I was made for

And now my eyes are closing but I still feel the land
Leaning out for the touch of my hand
The world spins so fast that I might fly off
The world spins so fast that I might fly off
The world spins so fast that I might fly off

Waiting for the sound of thunder
I'm waiting for the sound of thunder [repeat and fade]

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