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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.07.2012

Rush down, down to the first floor
There never seems to be enough time
Push hard, and push a little bit more
A cup of coffee and I'm gonna be fine
Fine as I can be now

Me and you, we do what we gotta do
We only want to have a good life
It's tough, we don't see each other enough
And sometime the going gets rough
Still we keep pushing on through

We could use another summer of love
It's cloudy here
But there's a blue sky up above

If we could only fly away from here
We could say good-bye to all the tears
And maybe we could spend the rest of our years
Together, together

Sometimes I watch the TV news
I wanna say what's the use in trying
Cause come on, what kind of difference can one man make
Yeah but how much more can I take

I think back when I was a little kid
I did what little kids did
Played war 'til I didn't wanna play no more
Hey and that's when love stepped in
Changed everything again

It's never too late for a summer of love
Yeah it's cloudy here
But there's a blue sky up above

If we could only fly away from here
We could say good-bye to all the tears
And maybe we could spend the rest of our years
Together, we could be together

These are crazy times
It's a different world
Well, that's okay
Let it be that way
We could lose our minds
Or we could find our way
We can change our world
No matter what they say

If we could only fly away from here
We could turn around and say good-bye to all the tears
And maybe we could spend the rest of our years
We could be together

Now, we can let the sunshine in (Together)
And we can overcome and win (Together)
We'll have ourselves a summer of love again (Together)
We'll be, we'll be together
Hey, hey
We'll be together

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