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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.07.2012

When I think of Lorelei my head turns all around
As gentle as a butterfly she moves without a sound
I call her on the telephone, she says be there by eight
Tonight's the night she's moving in and I can hardly wait

The way she moves, ooh-ooh
I gotta say
Lorelei let's live together
Brighter than the stars forever
Lorelei let's live together
Brighter than the stars forever

Her eyes become of Paradise, she softly speaks my name
She brightens every lonely night, no one's quite the same
She calls me on the telephone, she says be there by eight
Tonight's the night she's moving in, it's time to celebrate

The way she moves, ooh-ooh
I gotta say
Lorelei let's live together
Brighter than the stars forever
Lorelei let's live together
Brighter than the stars forever

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