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One Child

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.07.2012

An angel appeared
Of the highest One
And Mary believed
The word she received
Of God's only son
The Virgin rejoiced
Gave thanks to the Lord
And as Joseph dreamt
The angel was sent
With tidings of piece and joy
Of the blessed baby boy

They travelled for miles
To reach Bethlehem
Yet when they arrived
No one could provide
Place at the inn for them
But God kept them safe
From hurt, harm and danger
In His warm embrace
Away in a manger
Waiting for Jesus' birth
To glorify the Earth
Then He came

One child can change the world
Christmas Morn'
The King of all kings was born
He reigns forevermore
Let us worship and adore
Christ the Lord

Wonderous star
Led shepherds and wise men
Through valleys and mountains
Angels surrounded them
As they travelled far
As Heaven and Home
Rang out for the Saviour
The sweet Prince of piece
Lay majestively
Asleep glorious and pure
And His mercy endures for always

One child can change the world
Christmas Morn'
The King of all kings was born
He reigns forevermore
Let us worship and adore
Christ the Lord

One child can change the world
On Christmas Morn'
The King of all kings was born
He reigns forevermore
Let us worship him
Let us worship him
Let us worship
Christ the Lord

This angel appeared
The angel appeared

Christ the Lord
On Christmas Morn'

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Вновь я прогоню за двери пса, Ты сегодня не в себе, ты немного зла. Вновь я оборву все провода, Дверь запрёшь на замок, ты всю ночь одна. Но мягкий плед спасёт меня, Но тебе не



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Кролик втік із клітки-хати, Пострибав у ліс гуляти. Настрій добрий у кроля, Знай співає тра-ля-ля! Раз покинув я сарайчик, Вже не кролик я, а зайчик! Мій лісок, мої поля! Тра-ля-ля-ля-ля-ля-ля! Кріль гуляв та веселився, Та й потрапив на мисливця. Той

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