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Remember The Good Times

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.09.2012

Good times bad times
Bad times good times

We were twisting Chubby Checker style
In a roaring sixties summer night
We walked the moon and we were free
When Jimi played guitar
We shared a dream with Martin Luther King
We saw J.F.K. in West Berlin
When he spoke those famous words that day
Our world was not the same

Remember the good times
Remember the bad times
Remembering my life, your life
Let the film just roll

We were lost in shock, the world was doomed
Nikita hit us with a shoe
We watched the world go upside down
When the Kennedys got shot
We were screaming when the world was fab
We had Rock 'n' Roll invade our hearts
We had Elvis, Janis, Marilyn
And hair, to let it grow

Remember the good times
Remember the bad times
Remembering my life, your life
Let the film just roll
Remember the good times
Remember the bad times
Remembering my life, your life
We're still standing after all
Back in the cold war
Our hearts were warm
Just because sex was free
In the summer of love

Remember the good times
Remember the bad times
Remembering my life, your life
Let the film just roll
Remember the good times
Remember the bad times
Remembering my life, your life
We're still standing after all

Good times bad times
Bad times good times

I'm still standing
Let the film just roll
I'm still standing
We're still standing after all

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