Evil Walks
Black shadow hangin' over your shoulder
Black mark up against your name
Your green eyes couldn't get any colder
There's bad poison runnin' thru your veins
Evil walks behind you
Evil sleeps beside you
Evil talks arouse you
Evil walks behind you
Black widow weavin' evil notion
Dark secret's bein' spun in your web
Good men goin' down in your ocean
They can't swim cos their tied to your bed
Evil walks behind you
Evil sleeps beside you
Evil talks arouse you
Evil walks behind you
You're just crying wolf
I sometimes wonder where you park your broom
Oh black widow
C'mon weave your web
Down in your ocean
You got 'em tied to your bed
With your dark dark secret's
And your green green eyes
You black widow
Evil, walks behind you
Evil, sleeps beside you
Evil, talks arouse you
Evil, walks behind you
Evil walks behind you
Evil sleeps beside you
Evil talks arouse you
Evil walks behind you
Evil sleeps beside you
Evil talks arouse you
Evil walks behind you
Evil walks
You're so bad
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Love and Pain
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In The Name Of Love
OOH OOH Rest far no no no Its alright its alright yeah I wanna hold you on through that day and on through that night and when the sun goes down I'm not gonna kiss you goodnight 'Cause we

Не Переживай
Не переживай. Ну і що? Нехай так сталось. Не переживай. Не біда, що в тебе я не закохалась. Все облиш і кинь, будеш жити ти як всі, не гірше, Ти тепер один і