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When You Rock’N’ Roll With Me

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.08.2012

You always were the one that knew
They sold us for the likes of you
I always wanted new surroundings
A room to rent while the lizards lay crying in the heat
Trying to remember who to meet
I would take a foxy kind of stand
While tens of thousands found me in demand

When you rock 'n' roll with me
No one else I'd rather be
Nobody here can do it for me
I'm in tears again
When you rock 'n' roll with me

Gentle hearts are counted down
The queue is out of sight and out of sounds
Me, I'm out of breath, but not quite doubting
I've found a door which lets me out!

When you rock 'n' roll with me
No one else I'd rather be
Nobody down here can do it for me
I'm in tears again
When you rock 'n' roll with me


Oh, when you rock 'n' roll with me,
There's no one else I'd rather be, oh
Nobody down here can do it for me
When you rock 'n' roll with me

When you rock 'n' roll, rock 'n' roll with me
No one else I'd rather, I'd rather be
Nobody down here can do it for me
I'm in tears, I'm in tears
When you rock 'n' roll with me

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