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I Got U

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.11.2012

I picked you out in a crowd of a thousand faces
Yea, I found you oooooooo
I chose the whys and the whens all the random places
Yea, I chose you oooooooo
I let you see me, let you believe it was your move
So smooth, my rules

Well you think you are the one who got me boy
But I got u,
I've been playing with you like a lil toy
Yea, I got u
I got u

You'd be surprise of all the times I almost told you
But I stayed cool ooooooo
I almost broke but I knew I would get to hold you
cuz I'm no fool oooooo
You came up to me, and did the very thing I knew
That you do ooooooooo

Well you think you are the one who got me boy,
But I got u,
I've been playing with you like a lil toy
Yea, I got u
I got u

You gave me all control
I got u
I took your heart and soul
I got u
For me I'm gonna roll
I got u, u, uuuuuuu

I got uuu, oh yea
I got u and I love it
I got u
Yea, I got u
I got u and I love it
I got u
Yea, I got u

Well you think you are the one who got me boy,
But I got u,
I've been playing with you like a lil toy
Yea, I got u

I got u and I love it
I got u,
Yea, I got u
I got u and I love it
I got u
Yea, I got u

I got u and I love it
I got u
Yea, I got u

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