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Modern Love

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.10.2012

I know when to go out
I know when to stay in
Get things done

I catch a paper boy
But things don't really change
I'm standing in the wind
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try, I try

There's no sign of life
It's just the power to charm
I'm lying in the rain
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try, I try

Never gonna fall for
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - don't believe in modern love

It's not really work
It's just the power to charm
I'm still standing in the wind
But I never wave bye bye

But I try, I try

Never gonna fall for
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - don't believe in modern love
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - I don't believe in modern love

Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love
Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love

Modern love - Modern love, walks beside me
Modern love - Modern love, walks on by
Modern love - Modern love, walks beside me
Modern love - Modern love, walks on by
Never gonna fall for
Never gonna fall for

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